Stippled or rilled textures are typical in render, however bespoke surface techniques are able to significantly enhance design options, allowing seamless or even concrete-like surface designs. Materials like glass or silicon carbide added to the render expand the visual appearance of the surface and give it a unique expression.
Stippled render, Stolitk K2, brushed horizontally, allowed to fully dry and over-coated with high-sheen finish, StoColor Metallic.
Rilled render, drag applied as a vertical texture
Eg. StoSilco R3
Finishing render Stolit Effect with StoEffect Terrazzo particles blown into the wet render.
Tinted, through-coloured render Stolit Effect with StoEffect Terrazzo particles blown into the wet render.
Finishing render Stolit Effect applied with a texture roller and once dry the arises broken with a sanding board.